User manuals

Here you will find the manuals for Meijer Holland machines. Do you have any questions about the manual? Please contact us.

Big bales Small bales Wrapped bales
Fred 2-3, 3-4, 3-4HD & 4-5HD Meijer KM8, KM16, KM12M & KM15M Jumbo RBK
Superfred 3-4 & 3-4HD Limo Hydra 8, 12M & 15M Jumbo KK1-2
Rambo 2, 3, 4, 4D & 6 Limo Mecha 8 Jumbo CKM 1-2-3
Rambo 6K, 6KD, 7K Jumbo AA5
Flintstone Jumbo VR2 & VR4


Would you like to know more about our bale grabs and bale collectors for large, small or wrapped bales? Read our brochures!

Complete brochure Meijer Holland

Big bales Small bales Wrapped bales
Fred series Small bales Jumbo VR series
Collecting big bales Jumbo CKM series
Rambo series
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